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The last of Texas’s 20 anti-trans bills died Tuesday at midnight

The last of the anti-transgender bills died Tuesday at midnight when HB 29 failed to get the third reading in the House of Representatives.

The final bill to fail, a priority of Gov Greg Abbott would have codified and further toxified Texas scholastic rules. These rules were punitively emplaced by Dan Patrick after the entire state banded together to kill his bathroom bill in 2017, hence the moniker bathroom bill 2.0.

Rachel, wife of Frank and mother bear to her wunderkind daughter Libby, told us this on the morning after:

“This has been the most difficult session for the trans community in Texas. While I am still heartbroken that legislators across the state continue to use our children as political pawns and invite the public to debate the legitimacy of our children’s existence, the relief we are feeling today is immense.”

Libby when we first met in 2017 / Dallas Morning News

“Our children know they are loved and that their community along with members of the Texas House will fight for their right to a life free from government-endorsed discrimination,” said Rachel in a statement this morning to planet Transgender.”

It wasn’t just the Democrats who reigned victorious at midnight! It was a combined bipartisan effort of both houses when Republican members rebelled against Abbott’s draconian measures in other areas. Two issues rubbed the Republicans the wrong way, his Trumptonian attempt to censor anyone with opposing views and his overruling local control when the Pandemic started, affecting thousands in the spring.

People were apprehensive when Rep Dutton, a Democrat from Houston, motioned to postpone the third reading for SB29 until 11:30 pm. But not to worry. That gave all of the other bills, from both sides of the aisle a fair chance for a hearing.

Did Gov. Abbott know that we stopped listening to him months ago? He should have since over 70% of Texas Republicans agree that trans Texans’ lives actually matter.

The post The last of Texas’s 20 anti-trans bills died Tuesday at midnight appeared first on Planet Trans.

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