Brevard Public School District Defines Transgender Student Rights

The Brevard Public School District passed an inclusive LGBT agenda that outlined the board’s expectation regarding the treatment of their LGBT students in July of 2016. Since then nothing has changed, nothing has happened and students and parents have benefited from the District’s inclusive policies.

Without these procedures in place, the district knew they were letting their schools down and leaving them open to possible litigation.

But when the School Board took the next step, to define those expectations and put them into writing outrage ensued from one right-wing politician.

WFTV Reports State Rep. Randy Fine says if need be he will push for segragation.

Brevard Public School District internal document listing accommodations for LGBT students, including allowing transgender children to use the bathrooms and play on sports teams consistent with their gender identities, began making the rounds on social media this week, prompting outrage from parents and public officials.

The guidance takes stances on several human rights issues related to LGBT children that have appeared in court cases and legislation.

Students may dress as the gender with which they identify; should be referred to by their preferred names and pronouns, can access locker rooms and restrooms consistent with their gender identities “or be provided appropriate accommodations” and can participate in school clubs and activities, including interscholastic athletics, as the genders with which they identify, according to the document.

All students have the right to bring same-gender dates to school events, form and participate in LGBT-related organizations and decide when and with whom information about their sexual orientation and gender identities can be shared, according to the guidelines.

But the guidance was ill-received by some conservative parents and public figures, who posted about it on Facebook.

“I share your outrage over new ‘guidance’ from local education bureaucrats that would allow a student to claim a gender other than biologic fact without a parent’s permission, and which would allow boys access to girl’s locker rooms without notification of either the female students nor their parents,” State Rep. Randy Fine said in a Mar. 3 Facebook post. “This is absolutely unacceptable.

“I hate to break it to the local politicians and bureaucrats, but parents are in charge — not them. I assure you that during the legislative session, and as a member of House Education leadership, we will be working to resolve this insanity.”

By Friday, the post had gathered nearly 500 comments, most of them in agreement with Fine.

Fine told FLORIDA TODAY that he intends to support legislation in the Florida House that would limit trans girls’ participation in girls’ sports.

“This also increases my desire to expand school choice so parents are not forced to subject their children to these radical education bureaucrats,” Fine said.

School Choice to Fine is another way of saying segregation.

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