House Votes to Pass The Equality Act


The US House of Representatives voted to pass the Equality Act, HR 5, a bill that will enshrine LGBTQ protections in the nation’s labor and civil rights laws.

The legislation amends civil rights laws including the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964, which had banned discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, and national origin, to include protections on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity. It also would prohibit such discrimination in public places, on transportation, and in government-funded programs.

President Biden showed his support of the Equality act in a tweet “Transgender rights are human rights — and the House made that clear today by passing the Equality Act.

Now it’s time for the Senate to do the same.

“The LGBTQ community has waited long enough,” Rep. David Cicilline, D-R.I., who introduced the bill, said on the House floor. “The time has come to extend the blessings of liberty and equality to all Americans, regardless of who they are or who they love.”

The speed bump.

The Equality Act now goes to the US Senate where it most likely will fail even though the Democrats hold the majority. Notwithstanding Joe Munchine a right-wing demagogue elected as a Democrat the Republicans has one more option.

The Fillibuster. The Republicans will more than likely call a debate that only 60 votes can end.

We got one shot to do it.

Democrats can end GOP obstruction by gaining enough seats to become the supermajority during the 2020 Midterm elections.

Elections to the U.S. Senate will be held on November 8, 2022, and 34 of the 100 seats are up for regular election. Special elections may be held to fill vacancies that occur in the 117th Congress. Those elected to the U.S. Senate in the 34 regular elections in 2022 will begin their six-year terms on January 3, 2023.

Fourteen seats held by Democrats and 20 seats held by Republicans are up for election in 2022. Republicans are defending two Senate seats in states Joe Biden (D) won in the 2020 presidential election: Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Democrats are not defending any Senate seats in states Donald Trump (R) won in 2020.

Following the 2020 Senate elections and the January 2021 runoffs in Georgia, Democrats and Republicans split the chamber 50-50. This gave Vice President Kamala Harris (D) a tie-breaking vote, and Democrats control of the U.S. Senate via a power-sharing agreement.

Thirty-two of the 34 seats up for election in 2022 were last up for election in 2016. Georgia and Arizona have seats up for election in 2022 that were up for special election in 2020.

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