Texans to Rally in Austin Against Anti Transgender Legislation

Join us Tuesday as we Rally Against Anti Transgender Legislation just below the steps of the Capitol building in Austin.

Join the Transgender Education Network of Texas, Equality Texas, HRC, Texas Freedom Network, ACLU of Texas, and Lambda Legal for a visibility event at the Texas State Capitol. Hateful bills targeting the Transgender youth of Texas are wrong and have no place in the Lonestar State.

Over two dozen anti-LGBTQ bills have been filed this legislative session in Texas. One bill is too many. Come stand with us at the Texas Capitol and show our legislature that Texans stand up for what they believe.

If you choose to join us on the South Steps of the Texas Capitol, we ask that you adhere to the City of Austin and the CDC’s COVID guidance and recommendations, including wearing a mask and practicing social distancing.

I met Kai when she first testified in Austin when she was in pre-k.

And I will stand with her and all of our Texas children Tuesday against those same bills targeting their civil rights.

Want to be part of this momentous event? Want to inspire and defend?

Join me, Kelli Busey, by clicking here. See you there!

The post Texans to Rally in Austin Against Anti Transgender Legislation appeared first on Planet Trans.