Two transgender women win seats in German parliament
Tessa Ganserer, member of the German Green Party and transgender candidate for the German Bundestag elections walks from her office to the Parliament during a…
ContinueTessa Ganserer, member of the German Green Party and transgender candidate for the German Bundestag elections walks from her office to the Parliament during a…
ContinueKNOXVILLE, Tenn. — Advocates for transgender rights say Tennessee’s trio of anti-gay and anti-transgender laws passed this year have led to a surge in calls…
ContinueMONROE, CT — Board of Education member Nick Kapoor is proposing a Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Youth Policy to support the safety and well being of…
ContinueWASHINGTON (AP) — The Justice Department is reviewing its policies on housing transgender inmates in the federal prison system after protections for transgender prisoners were…
ContinueVerniss McFarland, founder of The Mahogany Project, says the trans community has become the latest scapegoat as politicians seek to shift the public’s focus from…
ContinueTavistock and Portman NHS foundation trust wins challenge over case brought by Keira Bell last year Keira Bell, who began taking puberty blockers when she…
ContinueBECKY PEPPER-JACKSON slides her toes into her running shoes as the sun sets behind the Appalachian Mountains. She likes to run at the end of the…
ContinueWASHINGTON (WTVO) — Over 3,000 pediatricians have filed suit against the Biden administration for a health care mandate that would require medical professionals to provide gender-related services…
ContinueLawyers for teachers who have filed a lawsuit against the Loudoun County, Virginia, school board over its new policies regarding transgender students want enforcement of…
ContinueIn a joint video Thursday, Suzanne Goldberg, the acting assistant secretary of education for civil rights; Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke; and Dr. Rachel Levine,…
ContinueLGBT+ activists will be protesting Ghana’s “Family Values” bill on Saturday at 2 pm in front of the London offices of the Ghana High Commission. The…
ContinueAn appellate court deciding Hobby Lobby violated Illinois anti-discrimination law by denying a transgender employee access to the women’s restroom could have nationwide implications, experts…